Since then, the Ming court fell into a passive state in confrontation with the'Latter Jin'set up by Nuzhen ethnic minority. 从此,在与女真族建立的后金的对峙中,明朝处于被动地位。
Passive state of plastic equilibrium 被动状态的塑性平衡
Not unlike drugs or alcohol, the television experience allows the participant to blot out the real world and enter into a pleasurable and passive mental state. 无异于毒品与酒精,看电视的体验会让参与者抹去了真实的世界而进入到一个快乐的被动的心理状态。
Adopted by electrochemical measurements, chemical immersion experiments and modern physical examinations, this article discusses the structure of passive state film and its formation mechanism on carbon steel in high temperature and high concentration LiBr solutions. 采用电化学测试技术、化学浸泡方法和现代物理测试技术,探讨了高温高浓度溴化锂溶液中碳钢钝化膜的结构及形成机理。
Limited by economic and technic reasons, waste treatment in many small cities and towns is in passive state. 由于经济技术受限,许多小城镇的垃圾处理处于一种消极状态。
Recently, the problem in writing nursing medical documents is one of the causes for medical and nursing disputes to be settled with difficulty and for nursing work to be in a passive state. 护理医疗文件书写中存在的问题是造成近年来医疗护理纠纷处理难,使护理工作陷于被动状态的原因之一。
From the varieties of the natural corrosion potential of Aluminum alloys, it is deduced that the gradual dissolution of natural passive state film of the alloys brings about high-speed enhancement in the corrosion rate of the alloys. 从自腐蚀电位的变化规律可以推断,在腐蚀的初期阶段,铝合金表面自然生成的钝化膜逐渐溶解,使铝合金腐蚀速率快速增加。
To change the passive state of the Junior writing teaching, teachers should adopt good teaching methods. 改变初中作文教学初动状态,在于教师采用好的教学方法。
Computation results show that there exist two kinds of failure modes-sliding along a plane surface ( translation) and rotation along a log-spiral cylinder surface ( rotation) when the soil behind retaining walls reaches critical passive state. 极值问题的计算结果表明,挡墙背后土体在被动临界状态时存在着沿某平面滑动和绕对数螺旋柱面转动两种破坏形式。
P. Ti by means of potentiodynamic and cyclic polarization. The testing results show that Ti-Ru-Ni and Ti-Pd are ina spontaneous passive state in the reducing media. 试验结果表明,在试验介质中Ti-Ru-Ni和Ti-Pd均处于自发钝化状态,其极化曲线不出现阳极电流峰值,且腐蚀电流很小。
On traditional graphic user interactive platform, computer resides in a purely passive state, which is "no instruction, no action", so the operating is verbose and dull. 在传统的图形交互技术平台上,机器都处于绝对的被动状态,所谓拨一拨,动一动,因而操作呆板而繁琐。
Indomethacin did not turn the stainless steel from active state into passive state. 消炎痛虽使不锈钢的电位略有正移,但不改变它原来的钝化状态或活化状态。
An Experimental Research on Failure Mechanism of Organic Mud under the Passive State 淤泥土在被动状态下破坏机理的模型实验研究
Investigation on electrochemical method for evaluating passive state of medical stainless steel 317L 医用317L不锈钢钝化状态的电化学评定方法研究
It was its company administration structure that really determined enterprise's benefit level, so, the state-run commercial bank should change the present passive state, must carry on the changes of the reform of the inside administration structure and property relations completely. 真正决定企业效益高低的是它的公司治理结构,因此,国有商业银行要改变目前的被动局面,必须彻底进行内部治理结构的改革和产权制度的变革。
This causes that numerous domestic enterprises encounter foreign IP infringement and accuse again and again at home and abroad, also causes a passive state that we hadn't powerless arms in the face of transnational enterprise seize huge interests by monopolizing of intellectual property rights. 这就造成了我国众多企业在国内外频频遭遇国外知识产权人侵权控诉,面对跨国企业滥用知识产权攫取巨额垄断利益却无能为力的被动局面。
Through the investigation into the reality of the students 'school life in our country, we find that they are still popularly in the passive state of living. 通过对我国中小学生在校生活所作的现实考察,我们发现学生仍较为普遍地处于被动生存状态之中。
The major principal stress arch is studied in the backfill in passive critical state. The curve equations of major principal stress arch and the coefficient of passive earth pressure are given. 研究土体被动极限状态时的大主应力拱,给出大主应力拱的曲线方程和被动土压力系数;
Because of many kinds of reasons, the function of MCH service and social service of file has been limited due to the passive state of file management of MCH institution to some extent. 但由于种种因素的影响,妇幼保健机构档案管理工作在一定程度上还处于被动局面,不同程度地影响了档案工作为妇幼保健工作和社会服务功能的发挥。
The enterprise hedging can throw off the exterior passive state, turn the passivity to the initiative, lock the profit and control the cost, realize the enterprises sustain running and healthy development. 企业进行套期保值,摆脱外界无法掌控的被动状态,变被动为主动,锁定利润和控制成本,实现持续经营和稳健发展。
Product liability legal system in China is relatively backward in the protection of the interests of consumers and producers spread risk is still in a passive state. 我国的产品责任法制建设起步较晚,产品责任保险制度存在很多缺陷和不足,致使我国产品责任保险的覆盖面小、发展相对滞后,在保护消费者权益以及分散生产者风险方面仍处于被动状态。
It was found that the corrosion process of the steel in three solutions followed by passive state, uniform corrosion of the ferrite phase and pitting corrosion. 结果发现,该钢种在这三种溶液中的腐蚀过程依次为钝化状态、铁素体相的均匀腐蚀和点腐蚀。
However, there are many disadvantages in the mathematics classroom, for example, most of the students are in the passive state, ignoring the development of students, ignoring the students subjectivity. 然而,在实际的数学课堂中,存在着许多弊端,比如,绝大部分学生处于被动的接受状态,却忽视了学生的发展,忽视了学生的主体性。
But at the same time, the human mind has fallen into a passive state unprecedentedly. 可是与此同时,人类的思维却陷入了前所未有的被动状态。
The existence of the crevice impeded the formation of passive state of the samples to reduce the passive stability. Thus, the corrosion rate of titanium alloy slightly accelerated. 缝隙的存在阻碍了试样表面钝态的形成,降低钝态稳定性,从而略微加速钛合金的腐蚀。
After magnetic stimulation, the energy of α wave in the frontal and left occipital brain was significantly higher than that before stimulation. Alpha wave represented a passive state of the central nervous system, and its appearance or enhancement showed that people were sober and quiet. α波代表了中枢神经系统的一种被动状态,α波的出现或增强说明人处于清醒、安静的状态,说明被试在磁刺激后达到清醒和镇定的状态。
Lacking practicality, there is no effective closing down and with the behavior, the majority of midfield is in a passive state, thus making it difficult to organize attacks. 缺乏实效性,没有有效的逼抢和配合行为,使中场大部分处于被动状态,难以组织进攻。
This paper will discuss how Chinese enterprises apply rules to change the passive state. 以下将讨论我国企业如何运用规则来克服被动的局面。
The use of the public space, we always exist in the passive state, the first reason is the builder has restricted use of space users; moreover is the user has already been set up in the environment, the loss of the initiative to create opportunities. 对于公共空间的使用,我们一直存在在被动的状态,原因首先是建设者已经限定了使用者对空间的使用方式;再者是使用者在早已被设定好的环境中,丧失了主动创造的机会。
This management is often put us in a passive state of emergency. 这种管理模式往往使我们处于被动的应急状态。